A Letter of Appreciaton to AFBC Vacation Bible School Children
From Pastor Paul Nyende
Receive merry greetings in the precious and loving name of our Lord Jesus Christ. Allowe me to express the loving kindness, care and concern you have for the orphans, widows and the un-previleged people in our community, Mawanga. Thank you for serving Christ as you serve others with love. As it is written, (John 15:13) that "great love has no one than this, than to lay down one's life for his friends" You have proved this to us by whatever yo do for us. We are sincere friends dear Vacation Bible School children. We cherish you and pray for you!
We hereby now extend our heartfelt appreciation for the oxen and plough you sent for us (2008). These are doing very well and being trained to pull the plough. This is going to boost our efforts in the production sector. It is a blessing and we know that, "every good and perfect gift comes from the Father...(James 1:17)." You are so special and a blessing to us. Have you ever known?! The religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this "To look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world (James 1:27)." You have been this good and it is therefore our prayer that God blesses you.
Allow me to share with you about the fish pond:
Our community Mawanga is very far from the lakes and rivers hence hardly get any fish in our community. Fish mongers have to move long distances to these lakes only to obtain the very poor quality fish which is not even fresh but smoked, hence, missing out the nutritious value in the fresh fish. This, therefore, results in deficiency of this nutritious food value for the people in our area.
As such, with the establishment of the fish pond, the community will have an opportunity to:
1. Train the orphans, widows and the community on fish farming.
2. Establish a breeding plant for the fish fillets (young fish) for the farmers
3. Establish a source of fish supply to the community
4. Act as in income generating activity for the ROWAN through the sales and tourists, and this will help offer more support to the beneficiaries in terms of education
5. Improve the diet of orphans, widows and the surrounding community
6. Help to bring the beneficiaries together for a noble cause.
7. It will pave a way for the Gospel to unbelievers, expecially when they see the love and care by ROWAN.
We feel we are one of the few blessed, a chosen race, a royal priesthood set apart for God's service.
Thank yo for being there for us, people who had lost hope and without a future; you have shown us the way to our destiny.
We have shared about the golden rule in church which states that, "Do to others what you would love them to do unto you" this you have demonstrated.
I believe ythe Lord has demonstrated His love through you for our redemption.
Therefore, our beloved brethren, know that whatever you have, and are going to contribute to this project, will help draw people's lives from hopelessness to hopefulness.
Remain in Christ's service.
Pastor Paul Nyende
Mawanga, Uganda. [Join] the Community
- Mawanga is a remote village of 5,000 people located 3 hours east of Jinja in the Bugiri District. Partnering with the local pastor and community at large, we empower and assist the underserved who experience economic, physical, spiritual and social barriers to become self-reliant and strong believers in Christ